In this case I am thinking of apply the impressionism into architecture and landscape.
Van Gogh is a representative in this field.
His drawing reflected his feeling or imagination rather than what he really saw. The scale and perspective in his painting was distorted. It was a hint he tried very hard to get rid of himself to the real world.
1. The environment
The damaging effect of modern mass housing as the cause of much psychological suffering loneliness, boredom, stress- had already been discovered in the 1950s. from the 1970s on, these developments formed the framework within which psychology evolved as the discipline that specialised in the study of the effects of the environment on human behaviour and welfare. It seems but a small step from the study of these effects by environmental psychologists to the devising of interventions in the environment to achieve certain effects-the work of architects, landscape architects and urban developers. This laid the foundation for the concept of the dealing environment, and its more scientifically orientated pendant, Evidence Based Design (EBD).
2. Break the boundary
In the project, I proposed using organic, continuous lines to break the identity of interior and exterior, since the clear identity gives a strong hint of reality. Also, it creates a smoothly walking experience from inside to outside.
3. Colour
The thing Van Gogh loved most in his drawing is light, untreated colours. He use blue and yellow which are the colour from the nature. Large strokes of these colours forced people into an illusion of perpetual condition. Phycology healing is a way of avoiding to some extent. Here the avoiding does not mean a passive attitude. People need a period of temporary peaceful moment to calm down themselves and to think about something in detail.
So I also proposed using colours to form the landscape patterns or architectural details. These composition helps to creates an impressionism atmosphere, and it is an healing atmosphere.
